Jackie Galloway (United States) vs. Maria Espinoza (Mexico)
Both fighters were getting acclimated in the first round, with no strikes registering.
The second round went scoreless as well, and in the final seconds Galloway fell and seemed to twist her ankle.
After three scoreless rounds and a scoreless sudden death, Espinoza was declared the winner for completing more strikes regardless of if they scored.
Espinoza def. Galloway 0-0 (sudden death decision).
Issoufou Alfaga Abdoulrazak (Niger) vs. Dmitriy Shokin (Uzbekistan)
There was no scoring in the first two rounds, but Abdoulrazak came out with a flurry of strikes to grab a big lead, which he would hold onto.
Abdoulrazak def. Shokin 8-2.
Zheng Shuyin (China) vs. Bianca Walkden (Great Britain)
The first registered strike came in the third round, a body kick from Shuyin. Walkden earned a point right back when Shuyin was holding her, leading to sudden death.
In the sudden death round Shuyin landed a head kick as Walkden came forward to land her own strike.
Shuyin def. Walkden 3-0.
Mahama Cho (Great Britain) vs. Radik Isaev (Azerbaijan)
With about a minute left in the second round, Cho scores the first strike of the match with a fist to the body of Isaev.
In the final round, Cho gave a point back by falling to the ground. With under a minute remaining, Isaev struck Cho with a body kick, and Cho fell, putting Isaev up two points.
Cho pressed on to try to equalize, but to no avail.
Isaev def. Cho 4-1.
Jackie Galloway (United States) vs. Reshmie Oogink (Netherlands)
Going into the final round, Oogink led 1-0 on a body kick landed in the second round.
Gallloway tied it up with a body kick of her own to take the match to a sudden death round.
In the sudden death round, no one registered a point on a strike, but Galloway struck more than Oogink and therefore won the match.
Galloway def. Oogink 1-1 (sudden death decision).
Issoufou Alfaga Abdoulrazak (Niger) vs. Maicon de Andrade Siqueira (Brazil)
Siqueira, cheered on by his home crowd, got the first lead with a body kick in the first round.
In the second round, Abdoulrazak took the lead with two body kicks.
As Siqueira attempted his comeback in the third and final round, Abdoulrazak landed a head kick, putting the match out of reach.
Abdoulrazak def. Siqueira 6-1.
Wiam Dislam (Morocco) vs. Maria Espinoza (Mexico)
The first round went scoreless, and the second round saw Dislam take a 2-1 lead.
Dislam defended well in the final round, but with two seconds remaining, Espinoza landed a punch to the body to send the match into sudden death.
Espinoza seemed the more confident in the extra round, and scored on a body kick to move on.
Espinoza def. Dislam 3-2.
Dmitriy Shokin (Uzbekistan) vs. Rafael Alba Castillo
Castillo took the lead first, knocking down Shokin twice to earn a point.
The second round went scoreless, then Shokin equalized early in the third round.
The fight would go to sudden death where Shokin would be declared the winner by delivering more strikes in the extra round.
Shokin def. Castillo 1-1 (sudden death decision).
Zheng Shuyin (China) vs. Gwladys Epangue (France)
The match lacked intensity throughout, with more than half of the points awarded due to penalties.
Shuyin def. Epangue 4-1.
Sajjad Mardani (Iran) vs. Mahama Cho (Great Britain)
Cho landed a nice spinning body kick in the first, but Mardani cut the lead with a body kick.
Mardani gained another point back in the second round, then in the waning moments of the fight to head to sudden death.
With five seconds left in the sudden death round, Mahama Cho delivered a body kick to advance to the next round.
Cho def. Mardani 4-3.
Milica Mandic (Serbia) vs. Bianca Walkden (Great Britain)
Walkden landed a body kick right before the end of the first round to take the lead.
The second round featured no scoring strikes, but in the third, Walkden pulled away with well executed push kicks to the body.
Walkden def. Mandic 5-0.
Cha Dong-min (South Korea) vs. Radik Isaev (Azerbaijan)
Dong-min came out with energy, landing two body kicks. He gave a point back by falling to the ground.
The two fighters each scored two points in the second round.
Dong-min controlled the whole match, except the final 30 seconds, where Isaev came alive. He scored a flurry of shots during that span to shock the South Korean.
Isaev def. Dong-min 12-8.