The longest U.S. Senate filibusters since 1900, when the Senate began keeping precise records, along with the senators who spoke for hours on end, the issues and the years:
— 24 hours, 18 minutes: Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, civil rights bill, 1957.
— 23 hours, 30 minutes: Alfonse D’Amato of New York, military bill, 1986.
— 22 hours, 26 minutes: Wayne Morse of Oregon, Tidelands oil bill, 1953.
— 21 hours, 19 minutes: Ted Cruz of Texas, health care bill, 2013.
— 18 hours, 23 minutes: Robert La Follette Sr. of Wisconsin, currency bill, 1908.
— 16 hours, 12 minutes: William Proxmire of Wisconsin, debt increase, 1981.
— 15 hours, 30 minutes: Huey Long of Louisiana, industrial recovery, 1935.
— 15 hours, 14 minutes: D’Amato, tax bill, 1992.
–14 hours, 50 minutes: Chris Murphy of Connecticut, gun control, 2016
— 14 hours, 13 minutes: Robert Byrd of West Virginia, civil rights bill, 1964.
— 12 hours, 52 minutes: Rand Paul of Kentucky, use of drones against American citizens, 2013.
— 10 hours, 31 minutes: Paul, renewal of Patriot Act, 2015.
— 8 hours, 39 minutes: Harry Reid of Nevada, protesting a Republican-led filibuster, 2003.
— 8 hours, 37 minutes: Bernard Sanders of Vermont, extension of tax cuts, 2010.

Source: Senate Historical Office

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