That about sums it up. Normal highs in the low 60s? Bah, we’ve been hitting that by early morning in some spots. Heck, even Cape Cod hit the 70 degree mark today – with a sea breeze!
Speaking of, it’s a standing feature in the forecast for the next three days. Expect gentle sea breezes tomorrow and Saturday that mostly effect the immediate coastline and shore roads, but Friday’s sea breeze is a little more tenacious. So much so that it will slump temperatures areawide. Check out the temperature trend (to the right) for the coastline and inland communities for the next four days.
Throughout it all, the rain remains out of the picture. Since March first, we are over 3 inches below normal in both Boston and Worcester. Although not in a drought situation, we are seeing the topsoil turn bone-dry in this blazing sun and dry air. Hopefully we can get something cooking next week.
Speaking of, a semi tropical system is trying to form off the Southeast U.S. Not yet a formed storm (of any kind) but it has a 60% chance of becoming something. Yes, I’m purposefully being vague. It’s really too early in the season to be a ‘pure’ tropical system, so there’s the idea that it could become a hybrid ‘subtropical’ system or a cross between a nor’easter and a tropical storm.
For that reason, the forecast for next Tuesday and Wednesday is up in the air (isn’t all weather?). Right now, I have possible storms. Later on, I might have a general rain..but as of this typing I don’t have anything to track.
We’ll be on top of it either way.