Well here we are. The first day of solar summer, and the last day of the this cool, cloud spell.
Certainly you’ve heard about this new pattern that will dominate the weather through next week, right? I mean, there are times when we meteorologists hedge the forecast a bit when we’re uncertain, but this is not one of those times. Confidence is running high. Full-scale warmth, full-steam ahead.
There are some caveats, however (and we’ll list them like we do bullet points in a snowstorm – hey, it’s only fair).
1) Sea breezes will still be a prominent feature through the weekend along the coast and in certain days of next week’s forecast.
2) The Capes will be cooler in this warm spell. Southwest winds will mean winds off the cool ocean waters of Buzzards Bay and Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds.
3) Just a few showers possible on Tuesday. No widespread rain in sight.
Why is #3 a caveat? It’s simple: we need some rain. This is the fire season (until full leaf out) and precipitation has been below normal for the past two months in Boston. It’s trend that will continue, but not one where we’re sounding the alarm. Ground water recharge has been excellent because of the slow winter melt, so reservoirs and water tables are firmly intact. Streams and vernal pools…not so much.
Have fun this weekend, be safe, and watch for motorcycles, bikes and pedestrians.