The weekend weather was almost a fairy tale. Sunshine and 70s, record setting highs, and the hums of….. AIR CONDITIONERS in November! Some may say this was actually TOO warm and would rather have the 50s and 60s. Well good news for those folks, we’re back to reality tomorrow. Highs today were once again in the 70s but not record setting. Boston’s record is 77° and Worcester’s 75°.

While we didn’t set records, we do have the warmest start to November on record. It’s a pretty solid lead on 2nd place too, and these numbers don’t even include today which will obviously solidify that lead even more.

With today’s 70s, we’re quite a bit above average for how often 70s occur in November. That will end today (for the most part). We have an outside shot at 70° on Friday. They’ll be isolated but some of us may pick up one more. Then the hammer drops next week.

Tomorrow will be the first dose of reality. The good news is we’ll keep the sun but temperatures will start off near 40 and end in the low 50s. That’s typical for this time of year. Though a breeze will make it feel a bit colder, especially tomorrow morning.

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