Moderate sized snowstorm inbound for New England tonight. It’s not a blockbuster and we won’t set any snowfall records with this one but it’s a decent sized storm. We’re also not concerned about strong/damaging wind or coastal flooding either. Travel is the primary disruptor with this storm, but thankfully, it’s a holiday weekend with no school on Monday and many businesses closed. Here is what we know:

Snow arrives 4-7pm. Initially mixed with rain but will flip over to snow…quickly inland but a bit slower along coast.

Brunt of steady snow lasts until 12am…then just patchy light snow & flurries until 4am. Clearing skies thereafter.

Snow consistency is wet at first but most of snowfall should be light in weight (South Shore and Cape will see heavier weighted snow).

Really cold air sweeps in after the storm for Monday with daytime temps close to 20 all day but wind chills in the single numbers.

As for the snow maps….here ya go….a wide view version then localized maps:

As for travel….deteriorates pretty quickly mid to late evening:

The 7-day forecast doesn’t have any warmth in it. Really cold temps for the start of the week (wind chills too) then slow improvement by late week. As of now, storm free but the storm track will be just offshore so if any storm should form later in the week, we could possibly deal with more snow but as of now (Sunday evening), a dry week ahead.

Stay warm!


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