When you’re on a roll, you’re on a roll.  In terms of our weather, it’s been tough to find much fault with it recently as low humidity and sunshine has been the general theme.  Add in the comfy cool overnights, it’s been quite the winning streak.  We’ll continue to count our wins through the weekend as sunshine and low humidity prevail.

Sunshine this morning will mix with some afternoon cumulus clouds, but the area stays dry with temps near 70 at the coast and nearing 80 inland. While the weekend will feature the cooler at the coast theme, the weather shakes out to be beautiful on Saturday and Sunday with mostly sunny skies. Expect beach temps in the 70s (low 70s tomorrow, mid to upper 70s Sunday) and sunscreen is certainly a must as that sun angle doesn’t get much higher in the sky as the solstice is Monday.  Overall, it’s perfect weather for dad from the beach to the grill to the golf course to the Sox game. Happy Father’s Day to my dad and all you dads out there! Enjoy the weekend.

Summer warmth lingers Monday and Tuesday with more humidity by Tuesday.  Increase the humidity and also have a cold front approach, and we’ll introduce a good chance of scattered storms Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday evening.  Until then, keep those flowers and gardens hydrated… and yourself if you’re spending a lot of time outside in the dry air and sun.

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