A battle erupted in Lynn when residents say a contractor hired by the city to improve their street left it in shambles. When nothing was getting fixed, they called Hank to investigate!
Everyone’s pretty darn unhappy on Pine Grove Avenue in Lynn.
“I think it’s ridiculous,” said a resident.
“I think I should stop paying taxes till it’s fixed,” said another.
Then three, then more! They all marched me up the street to see the focus of their frustration.
It started last July when the city used tax dollars to hire a contractor to replace the sidewalks. The contractor did that all right, but look what they left behind. This is Paul’s driveway! Now it’s eight inches below sidewalk level.
Hank: “Can you use this?
Pine Grove Avenue resident: “Not at all!”
Here’s what used to be front steps–the new “sidewalk” covers the first one.
“It’s sad, it’s very sad!” said Adriana Garcia, Pine Grove Avenue resident.
These peoples’ flagstone walk got plastered over and the front walk doesn’t meet the sidewalk anymore.
“As a taxpayer I’m ashamed at what they’ve done,” said another resident.
There’s also a huge gap behind a newly installed curbstone and they exposed the bottom of a nice stone wall when they decided the sidewalk needed to be lower.
Insult to injury–so far, this has cost you about 68 thousand dollars!
The day after 7News called the contractor, Allied Paving, they were already ripping up one of the brand new sidewalks they’d just installed and preparing to re-do an entire wall and driveway.
Hank asked: “You understand you put in the sidewalks and now the neighbors are angry. They say you’ve caused more damage?”
“I disagree. If you call that damage, I don’t call it damage, I call it beautification,” said Robert Joyce, Allied Paving.
Allied said all they were hired to do was put in beautiful new wide sidewalks, which they did. But they left behind what the contractor calls “collateral damage.”
Hank asked: “Does this look right to you?”
“No this is completely wrong. Why would you leave it like this? It’s private property. After the fact we’re done with all the stuff on public property then well address the stuff on the private property as they tell us. I just can’t on people’s private property,” said Robert Joyce, Allied Paving.
And now, the blame game. Allied said the City of Lynn told them how to do these finishing touches. Lynn officials insist they were all Allied’s idea.
Hank: “So you’re saying it was Allied’s decision.”
Manny Alcantara, City of Lynn, Acting DPW Commissioner : “Yes.”
Hank: “To make those fixes.”
Manny Alcantara, City of Lynn, Acting DPW Commissioner : “Yes.”
Hank: “The way they did.”
Manny Alcantara, City of Lynn, Acting DPW Commissioner : “Yes.”
Hank: “And now they’re ripping it up.”
Manny Alcantara, City of Lynn, Acting DPW Commissioner: “Yes, they’re ripping it up and addressing the issues.”
Hank: “What do you think about that?”
Manny Alcantara, City of Lynn, Acting DPW Commissioner : “I think that’s why we’re here in this place right now.”
Now–as neighbors wonder how much longer they’ll have to wait–Allied and the city promise they’ll work together so everything will get fixed fast.
“If I can face you, Hank I can certainly face the city. We’re not gonna run away from this, We’re gonna see it through to the end and make sure the homeowners are happy!” said Robert Joyce, Allied Paving.
Who’s going to pay for the repairs? Well, good question–either taxpayers or the contractor–they’re still figuring that out. City officials now say the neighborhood repairs should be finished by next year.