BOSTON (WHDH) - Boston City Councilor Sharon Durkan is requesting a hearing to propose a tax on sugary drinks in attempt to improve public health and combat obesity.

“We tax alcohol, we tax tobacco, why not have the right to tax something we know is just as harmful?,” said Councilor Durkan.

Durkan says the proposal would be a 1-2 percent tax per ounce depending on the amount of sugar added at the distribution level.

“If we are able to move on this, we will have a healthier city and I think as we think about the future of our city, I’d be remised if I didn’t put something forward that I know could deeply impact that,” said Councilor Durkan.

Councilor Durkan says she is modeling this proposal after similar programs already in place in cities like Seattle and Philadelphia.

Not everyone is on board with the idea.

Councilor Ed Flynn noting opposition from local teamsters.

“The other aspect I wanted to make is during difficult economic challenging times, it’s not the right time for another tax and then it will impact small businesses in our neighborhoods,” said Flynn.

Councilor Durkan argues the tax could help reduce diabetes cases, lower medical costs, and raise 20 to 30 million dollars in additional revenue for the city over 10 years.

That’s money she says should go to food literacy programs and recreation infrastructure.

Councilor Durkan says taxing the drinks isn’t personal, in fact, she points out she moved to Boston from Georgia, headquarters of Coca-Cola.

“I’m from the Coke capital of the world, so I know how controversial this is,” said Durkan. “It’s not that I never partake in a soda, it’s really just how do you want to incentivize health in our communities?’

If this were to go through the motions and be approved by the city council, it would then have to go to the state legislature in order to take affect in Boston.

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