Two women who recently opened a fitness club are fighting back against fat shaming.
Taryn Sisco and Megan Ellis recently opened the exercise facility and the local newspaper published a story about it. Shortly after the story was published, the women received clippings with messages such as, “You’re Fat,” and “I hope to see an article in the future that shows you practicing what you preach.”
“I was so upset,” Ellis said.
Ellis and Sisco discussed the incident and decided the take action.
The women posted about the incident on Facebook. In response, thousands of people shared supporting comments on the post.
"We’re getting messages from Arizona, Minnesota … people that have never even met us," Sisco said. “We want to show women that you can totally rise above it."
While the women know who sent the distasteful message, the chose to keep the identity a secret. Instead, they are inviting the person to take an exercise class.
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