Emily and Tal Shorts live in a house divided—she is a die-hard Patriots fan, he hails from Indy and still loves his Colts. It was clear from this wedding day the couple would have to agree to disagree.
They even have to watch the games in separate rooms to avoid trouble like they had in 2010 when a Colts vs Pats game had Tal calling home to complain about Bill Belichick.
“I was screaming on the phone and Emily kind of opened the door, threw the pillow out, said some choice words and I ended up sleeping on the couch with our dog,” Tal said.
“That was our first fight, probably one of our biggest fights ever,” Emily said.
The dog Tal slept with is the couple’s puggle Colbie, even she gets in on the family feud.
“I think she’s truly a Colts fan at heart. She’s a nice, warm dog. I think just being born in the Northeast doesn’t really count to be a Pats fan,” Tal said.
“She’s a Pats fan. She was born in Massachusetts, she’s a Pats fan,” Emily said.
This Sunday, the Shorts will watch the game together from the box of the company they both work for but Tal knows he’ll have to cool his Colts Fever.
“Obviously we’ll probably be around a lot of our bosses so I’ve got to really behave there. I think it’s the only safe place we can watch the game together,” he said.
The couple both acknowledged that the real battle starts will before kickoff when one of them gets to help their puggle get dressed.