CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (WHDH) –A wild sight gave one Cambridge woman big scare Sunday morning. A snake was lurking by her house so she called in the authorities who came to remove the three-foot-long boa constrictor.
“At that moment I'm going oh my God this is something like a Steven King novel here,” said Reverend Irene Monroe, found boa constrictor on her porch.
An unwelcome creature rears its head right here in the “wilds” of Cambridge!
“When it poked its head up, and it wiggled up, I lost my righteous mind. I gave out a blood curdling scream and woke up everybody,” Rev. Monroe said.
A three-foot-long boa constrictor wedged itself into the track of a sliding door where it waited for Irene Monroe.
“I’m tugging this thing, thinking it's off the track,” Rev. Monroe said.
That's when the problem presented itself.
“Lo and behold here is this boa constrictor greeting me with a hiss,” Monroe said.
It’s a scare Monroe can't quite recover from.
“I've been rattled all day. I told everyone I’m suffering from PTSD: post traumatic snake disorder,” said Monroe.
She ran out of the house and called the police.
“Six of them came. Four came in here, two stayed out. Those two were too frightened to come in,” Monroe said.
The snake went to see a vet. The prognosis? It's someone's pet and it's perfectly comfortable around people. Unfortunately, the feeling isn't mutual.