BOSTON (WHDH) - Frustrations were boiling over Thursday evening on the Commuter Rail as hundreds of riders were delayed due to a switch issue, according to Amtrak.

“We just stopped and we sat there for a good two hours,” said Commuter Rail rider Linda Bacon. and the conductor would come on every half hour or so and say there was no news no update.”

Keolis said the issues were caused by a faulty switch near Forest Hills. Riders on the Needham, Franklin, Foxboro, and Providence lines were impacted.

Bacon said she and other passengers were transferred from one delayed train to another; the issues had not been cleared up.

“We couldn’t get off the train because we were not at a platform, just in between two stations,” Bacon said.

She said it wasn’t long before people got fed up.

“Everyone’s getting hungry, cell phone batteries are dying, we didn’t know how long we were going to be there,” Bacon said. “One woman got up and just had a little bit of a freak out, honestly. She got up and she said ‘I sat on that other train for over two hours you cant hold me hostage!’.”

Amtrak said the issue has since been resolved and service is back at full capacity. But Bacon said after more than a decade riding the Commuter Rail, she expects more delays going forward.

“It’s frustrating,” she said. “It’s what happens all the time on the Commuter Rail. It’s just delay after delay after delay.”

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