If you’re still paying full price for music and movies, listen up:
Used DVDs and CDs can save you up to 40 percent!
Just make sure you check for scratches or excessive wear and tear.
Daniel Carswell, manager at Newbury Comics said, “You'll see new DVDs go for 26, 25 and then the used copy could run you about 15 dollars."
If you don’t mind waiting for the best sellers, buying used books — can save you up to 90 percent!
They’re online at sites like Amazon or Half.com, and there are plenty of used book stores.
Is your little leaguer growing faster than a Clay Bucholz fastball?
Used sporting equipment — still in good condition — can be a great buy.
Check on craigslist or at yard sales and even some sporting goods stores, like Play it Again Sports. This little league bat: new: $280…a perfectly good used one: just $100
Jay Valade, a North Reading parent said, “It's a good way to be able to keep the kids in new equipment.”
If your kids would rather play music than play ball, the price for used instruments may be music to your ears. This beginner snare drum -new $170, used $100.
Hirsh Gardener, General Manager at Daddy's Junky Music said, “we're getting people started on a musical instrument when normally they may shy away because of the price.”
Big on bling? Ask your jeweler for "estate jewelry"—-items jewelry stores, like Amoroso Jewelry, purchased to re-sell. They are often vintage pieces, and can save you big bucks.
The key-buy only from reputable jewelers –and ask questions-
Finally it's good business to buy used office furniture. Most quality office furniture is built to withstand heavy use and can last a lifetime.
You can save up to 80%!
Marc Poirier, owner of Peartree Office Furniture said, “in some cases you can't tell whether it's new or used.”
Consumer experts say examine all used products thoroughly before buying. That’s especially important because used goods often don't come with the same guarantee as new ones. That's Money Monday, I'm Hank Phillippi Ryan.
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