I always say that weather is about perspective. For example, I thought today was a "top 10 summer day" – but I still heard some say it was "unbearably hot." Either way, it was cooler (mid to upper 80s) and dewpoints stayed in check (low to mid 50s)… So what I'm trying to say is, even if today was "unbearably hot" in your opinion, we've definitely seen worse! I'll stick with my own opinion of a "Top 10 Day!" I hope you enjoyed it too, because changes are on the way.
Both the heat and the humidity get a boost as we move through the next 24-36 hrs. Tomorrow's highs are around 90° once again, and dewpoints will be in the mid to upper 60s. Remember, we gauge humidity with dewpoint temperatures; so to put it in perspective, it starts to feel sticky with a dewp' at 60° and dewp's around 65° are muggy. When you factor in humidity, it really can make the heat unbearable. While today was "Top 10," tomorrow afternoon will be in the "unbearably hot" category for more of us.
Steamy air moving in and a cold front to our NW: It's the perfect set up for some strong/severe storms. Though, the timing of the front is what is a little tricky with this one. Typically storms that move through overnight lose much of their "umph" with the loss of daytime heating. Tomorrow night, this front may just be powerful enough to keep the storm-engines running through the overnight hours. Don't be surprised if you, your spouse, your kids, and/or your fur babies are woken up by rumbles of thunder (see timeline below). The severe storms will be most likely to the NW of Worcester County. The main threats with this round of weather are expected to be gusty/damaging winds, hail, and nuisance flooding (quick downpours).
I did say "cold front moving through," didn't I? That would be key, right? With temps near 90° and soupy air expected tomorrow, you're thinking that a cold front should take care of our steam… right? Well, unfortunately it looks like this front gets hung up on Tuesday morning. This would keep the steamy weather around for another day, and could keep things unsettled (meaning more showers/storms) for Tuesday afternoon.
The COOL DOWN is on the way, though! It just is sluggish to set in. By Wednesday the mugginess is kicked out and the temps will top out closer to 80°. Then Thursday-Saturday I think highs will be below average, topping out in the mid to upper 70s! What a change.
I would say "all eyes on the skies" for tomorrow night – but I hope to be sleeping when the storms are working through (overnight). That would mean my eyes are closed… while I'm sleeping. But just for tomorrow, maybe I'll keep one eye open. Always weather-watchin'! – Breezy