Sorry, but the third time was not a charm.

Debate number three featured the least debating, and the most speech-making.

Yes, the candidates were on the same stage, at the same time, but they rarely engaged each other.

It was like a ping pong game. Back and forth: on jobs, health care, college costs and the Federal budget.

To Warren, Obamacare means lower costs; to Brown, it means higher taxes.

Warren would cut military spending, Brown wouldn't.

Did either of them say anything that made any difference to the other? Not that I could tell.

What you got in this debate were two professionally-prepared candidates who knew their talking points…and talked them.

Interestingly, while Brown was able to cite many personal links to Western Massachusetts, the debate audience sounded like it was with Warren.

I almost never say this, but I thought this debate was a tie. Warren and Brown were equal, though I expect supporters of both candidates will claim a victory. In fact, they already are!

But a tie means no one wins, or loses, and my guess is neither Elizabeth Warren nor Scott Brown won a single vote tonight, or lost one.

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